
This website is part of an ongoing project by Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellows serving on the Multilingual Pedagogy Committee (formerly, World Englishes Committee) in the Writing and Communication Program at Georgia Tech. The site was founded in January 2019 by Dr. Jeff Howard, who served as a primary editor until Fall 2022. One of the committee’s goals for this digital resource involves curating pedagogical and theoretical perspectives relating to diverse forms of English (“Englishes”) and its communities of practice around the world.

The committee also seeks to make available through this website a number of educational resources pertaining to communication, composition, World Englishes, English-language learning, global literature, and other related topics, any of which might be valuable either to Georgia Tech students or the faculty members responsible for teaching, advising, and mentoring those students.

The committee is always open to new ideas and suggestions for developments that will help this website better align with the mission and goals of the Multilingual Pedagogy/World Englishes Committee as it seeks to serve faculty and students at Georgia Tech.

If—in addition to the topics mentioned above—you are also interested in reading about multimodal and digital pedagogy, please visit TECHStyle, the Writing and Communication Program’s online forum that deals specifically with these topics.